The Maiden Voyage…

Welcome to “The Perfect Love” forum. This forum is designed to deliver the message of God’s love through discussion, Scripture, testimony and life experiences.  It’s also a place to share stories that come out of our experiences, as we develop a relationship with Him.  Confirm or discover how active and present He is…delighting in the details of our lives. Grow confident in His love.

Ask questions, engage in discussion about practical ways to deal with life…family, friends, associates…fellow Christians.  This is where we can discuss life situations that challenge us to “hold onto our religion”.  

This forum is being launched in parallel with the publication of the book, Just Tell Them That I Love Them”.  The book is a collection of reflections, that are substantially based on Scriptures giving us insight into God’s love.  It is a resource to remind readers of the divine, loving and consistent advocate we have in God, through Christ.  It is also written for those who are tentative about developing a relationship with God…those that may have a superficial knowledge, or even an occasional awareness that He’s “up there somewhere”, waiting to punish or damn us.

Why would God, the creator of the universe and all things within it, care that we know of His love for us? Why would the mightiest spiritual Being, who knows everything, everyone, is everywhere, care? Does He not see how flawed we are? With some of us intentionally so? Does He not see how deliberate we are in our choice to ignore His existence or His life instruction? Is there not a divine withholding of love due to our behaviors…behaviors that, by any human standard, range from benign to ought-to-be-struck-in-the-head-with-a-lightning-bolt severe? Who loves like that? Why love like that?  What response does He expect once we accept His love?

Let’s Talk.…

2 thoughts on “The Maiden Voyage…”

  1. Understanding God’s love is an ongoing process in our lives. I look forward to reading your book and your future blog posts!

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