My Perfect Love

My perfect love will not be offended or lessened
My perfect love will not be fleeting or affected by your love
Or lack of love for me
I am love
And will not be changed because of your actions

I am disappointed when I know you’ve learned lessons of grace and righteousness
Been given the opportunity to grow and mature
Yet, disappointment doesn’t diminish my love for you

I am slow to anger
But will not hesitate to use your circumstances or behavior
As a catalyst for a teaching season
Don’t confuse my teaching
My grooming
As a time when I’m not loving you
Or as proof that I don’t love you unconditionally

My heart breaks when I see you retreat from my love
Take pleasure in our relationship
Joy in our relationship
Rest in our relationship
I am always here
Always loving you

The above reflection is an extract from the book, “Just Tell Them That I Love Them

2 thoughts on “My Perfect Love”

  1. This is a very timely post for me as I go through some challenging times. It reminds me of a saying from a friend when she goes through trials ….”what does God want me to learn from this?” And it encourages me to continue to seek joy in our trust in God’s love and matter the circumstance!

    1. I know what you mean….I find that our journey is full of necessary reminders and confirmations….especially when we’re going through…It’s comforting to know that He’s paying attention to us…..

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